Upcoming AMA in Less Than 2hrs. Join Us Today As We Address Top Questions, Inquiries About The Project. See Details Herein.

Tiger Swap Global
2 min readApr 12, 2022

Hello $TIGERS! It’s another beautiful week and we are happy to share with you the upcoming AMA scheduled to hold by 1pm UTC today! Make sure to join us so you don’t miss out on the important conversation we shall be having. Some of the questions we shall be addressing includes:

  • Introduction of the TigerSwap team
  • More on what TigerSwap entails
  • The strong points of TigerSwap and what sets us apart from other blockchain projects
  • Milestones achieved so far and wht team is doing currently
  • Partnerships and so much more

Also we shall be taking questions from the communities and participants at the sessions so make sure you are present and don’t miss out on this.

Venue: http://t.me/AMA_CHAMBERS

Date: Tuesday 12th, April

Time: 1pm UTC

Would you rather participate in the private sale rounds? Here’s how:

Make sure you have registered to be whitelisted here once you have confirmed that, send BNB on Binance Smart Chain Network to the team wallet address below:


Once you have made deposits, you should get your $TIGERS in your wallet immediately or less than 24hrs. Please note that no team members will dm you first and we encourage you to beware of scammers and impostors too.

Our team and community will be happy to assist you if you have any further issues or need anything. Join us today below:

Telegram: https://t.me/TigerSwap_Ex

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TigerSwap_Ex

Medium: tigerswap-ex.medium.com

Website: https://tigerswap.global/

Notes & Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency is a highly volatile market with high risk. Nothing herein is to be taken as financial advise or a request/solicitation of funds. Always remember to do your own research. You are 100% responsible for your decision, choices and any loss that occurs. We advise that you only explore with money you can afford to loose.

TigerSwap is not a security or an investment and should not be considered or treated as such and by proceeding further you agree to be a part of the experiment and thus liable to losses, risk, hacks, collapse, failure and any such circumstances that may occur.

Please click to see — Full Terms & Conditions and Official Disclaimer. Thank You.



Tiger Swap Global

First v3 AMM & Concentrated Liquidity On #BinanceSmartChain. LPs & holders enjoy up to 4,000x capital efficiency at low risk + Lending, Lottery, DAO & much more